product import export HS code for edible nuts not elsewhere mentioned, fresh or dried

HS CODE  080212  stands for which product? Product code 080211 against which commodity? Commodity code 080221  meant for which product?  Export goods code for Macadamia.  Import goods code for Pistachios.  Merchandise code for Macadamia.   Goods code for 080240  for which merchandise?

Click here to get Commodity code of your product
HS code chapter 08 edible fruits and nuts, peel of citrus/melons

0802  nuts not elsewhere mentioned, fresh or dried

080211  Almond (In Shell; Fresh or Dried)

080212  Shelled, Hazelnuts or filberts (corylus spp)

080221  Hazelnuts, Filberts (In Shell; Fresh or Dried)

080222  Shelled, Walnuts:

080232  Walnuts (Shelled; Fresh or Dried)

080240  Chestnuts, castanea spp (Shelled or not; Fresh or Dried)

080250  Pistachios (Shelled or not)

080260  Macadamia (Shelled or not; Fresh or dried)

080290  Other, Pecans:



How to import coconuts, brazil nuts & cashew nuts, nuts nesoi, fresh or dried, Bananas and plantains, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, citrus fruit, melons and papayas, fruit & nuts temporarily preserved and above specified.

Procedures to export coconuts, brazil nuts & cashew nuts, nuts nesoi, fresh or dried, Bananas and plantains, dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, citrus fruit, melons and papayas, fruit & nuts temporarily preserved and above specified.


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This post explains:

What is the HS code for Almond ? What is HTS code  for Hazelnuts, Filberts?  HS name for Shelled, Hazelnuts or filberts? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Shelled, Walnuts.  What is the Product code for import of Almond . How to get product code for export of  Shelled, Walnuts.  How to find commodity code  to import Walnuts. How to get commodity code to export Chestnuts, castanea. 

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