Abbreviations - I

 The information provided here is part of Export Import Online Tutorial

The following are the list of abbreviations commonly used in business. These abbreviations include abbreviations used in Export, abbreviations in Import, list of antonyms in shipping trade, abbreviations used in freight forwarding business and commonly used terms in customs brokering. Popularly used abbreviations in banking, commonly using tax abbreviations and other list of generally used business terms are also included in this article. If you would like to add up more abbreviations to this article which is commonly used in your region, you may write at bottom of this article. Please make sure, you are adding only ‘commonly using abbreviations’ in business, as this category is meant for import and export.

I&A- -Interest and amortization 

I.A.F. Inflation Adjustment Factor
I.B. In Bond
I.C.D. Inland Container Depot
I.F.O. Intermediate Fuel Oil
I.P.A. Including Particular Average
I.R.B.- -Internal Revenue Bulletin (also IRB)
I.T. Immediate Transport
I.W.L. Institute Warranty Limits
I/C-- -Import Certificate ; Inspection Certificate
I/L Import License
I/P-- -Insurance Policy
IaaS-- Infrastructure as a Service
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
IAEA International Atom Energy Agency
IAF- -Inflation adjustment factor
IA-- Installment agreement
IA-- Intercompany account
IAM- -Identity and access management
IAPs Individual Action Plans
IARC International Agricultural Research Center
IAS - Integrated Accounting Systems
IASA-- Internation Air Shipper's Association
IASB-- International Accounting Standards Board
IASC - Inspection and Audit Sub-Committee
IASP International Affairs Strategic Plan (Department of State)
IATA International Air Transport Association
IB Intelligence Bureau (IB)
IB In Bond or invoice book

import export traning online
IB Invoice Book
IBA - Indian Banks’ Association
IBAN- -International Bank Account Number
IBAP Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce
IBDOEI- -Income before discontinued operations and extraordinary items
IBEA Intervention Board Executive Agency
IBEC International Bank for Economic Cooperation
IBFs International banking facilities.
IBM Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM)
IBNR- -Incurred but not reported
iBOB-- Installment sale bogus optional basis transaction
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (or the World Bank)
IBR-- Income-based repayment
IBS International Banking Statistics
IBTF- -In-Business Trust Fund (Express Agreement)
IC & C Invoice cost and charges
IC Interim Committee
ICAC - International Cotton Advisory
ICAI - Institute of Chartered Accountants of
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICAR - Indian Council for Agricultural Research
ICAR-- -Individual Credit Approval Request
ICAs International commodity agreements
ICASS International Cooperative Administrative Support Services
ICB Industry Classification Benchmark
ICB International Container Bureau
ICD International Container Depot
ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
Icc Institute Cargo clauses
ICCA International Council of Chemical Associations
ICCE--Integrated customer communication environment
ICCH International Commodities Clearing House
ICC---Institute Cargo Clause
ICCOMS - Integrated Computerised Currency
ICD Inland Container Depot
ICD--- Inland Container Depot
ICD Inland clearance Depot
ICD-Inland Clearance Depot / Inland Container Depot
ICD--Intercompany dividends
ICD--Interface Control Document
ICE--Internal control evaluation
ICES Indian Customs EDI System
ICFRE Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education
ICFR--Internal control over financial reporting
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association
ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment
IC--Industry case
IC--Insurance Company
IC--Internal control
ICITAP International Criminal Investigation and Training Assistance Program
ICJ International Court of Justice
ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly (Journal)

ICM--Incentive compensation management 

ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
ICO International Coffee Organization
ICORC International Committee for the Recontruction of Cambodia
ICPO Irrevocable Corporate Purchasing Order
ICQ--Internal control questionnaire
ICR--Investment credit
ICRM Innovative Customer Relationship Management
ICS -Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
ICS International Chamber of Shipping or Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
ICT – Information and Communications Technology (term used to encompass the fields related to IT and electronic communications)
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ICW Intercoastal Waterway
ID Import Duty
IDA International Development Authority
IDA International Disaster Assistance
IDA--Industrial development authority (also agency)
IDB India Development Bonds
IDB Inter-American Development Bank
IDBI Industrial Development Bank of
IDB--Industrial development bond
IDC--Intangbile drilling costs
IDD Industrial Development Department
IDD International Direct Dial
IDDC International Debt Discount Corporation.
IDD--Industry director directive
IDGT--Intentionally defective grantor trust
ID---Import Declaration
IDIQ--Indefinite delivery indefinite quantity
IDIT--Intentionally defective irrevocable trust
IDMD - Internal Debt Management Department
IDR - Indian Depository Receipt
IDR Import Duty Relief
IDRBT - Institute for Development & Research in
IDR--Information Document Request
IDR--Issuer default rating
IDRS--Integrated data retrieval system
IDS--Income deposit securities
IE Code Importer-Exporter Code Number
IE Interest expense
IEA International Energy Agency
IEA International Energy Agency
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IECA "General Treaty of Economic Integration, Central American States
IECR--Indian employment credit
IEM - Industrial Entrepreneurs Memoranda
IES - Integrated Establishment System
IET Interest equalization tax (of the United States). Tax imposed by the US government in 1963 to discourage US investors from investing in foreign securities.
IET--Income/Expense table
IF Integrated Framework (WTO, Worldbank, IMF, ITC, UNDP,
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFCI Industrial Finance Corporation of
IFF Institute of Freight Forwarders
IFI International Financial Institute
IFI International Financial Institution
IFIA - International Federation of Inspection Agencies
IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil
IFOR Implementation Force (NATO
IFR Investment Fluctuation Reserve
IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross
IFRIC--International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
IFRS--International Financial Reporting Standard
IFS International financial statistics (of IMF).
IFSC- Indian Financial System Code
IGIDR - Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
IGLS Iterative Generalized Least Squares
IGM Import General Manifest

IGM--Interim guidance memo 

IIA - Institute of Internal Auditors
IIBI Industrial Investment Bank of India
IIBM - Indian Institute of Bank Management
IIC Inter-American Investment Corporation
IIF The Institute of International Finance, Inc.
IIFCL - India Infrastructure Finance Company
IIF--Industry issue focus
IIFT - Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIHR Indian Institute of Horticulture Research
IIN - Importer Information Note
IIP - Index of Industrial Production
IIP/InIP International Investment Position
IIPA International Intellectual Property Alliance
IIR--Industry Issue Resolution program
IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development
ILC--Industrial loan company
ILIT--Irrevocable life insurance trust
ILM--Internal Legal Memoranda
ILO - International Labour Organisation
ILSA - Iran and Libya Sanctions Act
ILU InstituteofLondonUnderwriters
ILW International Law Workshop (University of California, Berkeley)
IMA - Internal Models Approach
IMA Institute of Management Accountants
IMB International Maritime Council
IMCO International Maritime ConsultativeOrganisation
IMD - India Meteorological Department
IMD - India Millennium Deposits
IMDG Code-International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMF - International Monetary Fund
IMF MCC--Individual Master File-Martinsburg Computing Center
IMFC Use of IMF Resources/
IMF--Individual master file
IMM International Monetary Market.
IMO -International Maritime Organisation
IMP - Indicative Market Price
IMP Import
IMRS--Issue Management Resolution System
IMT International Money Transfer
IMT--Issue management team
IN &/OR OVER Goods carried below and/or on deck
INC Information Network Center
INCOTERMS---International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms
INCU International Network of Customs Universities
IND Indication

INR Indian Rupee
INRA International Natural Rubber Agreement
INRO International Natural Rubber Organization
INSA InternationalShipowners' Association
Int. Interests
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
International Development Association
International Trade Administration (U.S. Commerce Department) or International Tin Agreement
INTRASTAT Intra EC Statistics
IODP - Integrated Officers Development
IOE - Institute of Export
IOF---Irrespective of Franchise
IOLTA--Interest on lawyer's trust account
IOP---Irrespective of Percentage
IOS International Organization for Standardization
IOTT Input-Output Transaction Table
IP Interest Payment
IP Internationale Politik (Journal)
ip Internet Phone
ipa Including particular average
IPA--Interest paid after
IPAs - Issuing and Paying Agents
IPCC - Inter-Govermental Panel on Climate
IPCLAT--Increasing payment charitable lead annuity trust
IPCs - Irrevocable Payment Commitments
IPDIs - Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments
IPIC--Inventory price index computation
IP--Intellectual property
IPO – Initial Public Offering (when a company first introduces its shares on the stock market)
IPOs Initial Public Offerings
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
IPR Inward Processing Relief
IPRF International Planned Parenthood Federation
IP-RR - Interest Payment - Revenue Receipt
IPRs Intellectual property rights
IPRs Intellectual property rights.
IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union
IQ---Import Quota

IQPA--Independent qualified public accountant
IR Interest Rate - typically referring to an IR derivative product
IRA--Individual retirement arrangement
IRB - Internal Ratings-Based
IRBI Industrial Reconstruction Bank of
IRC Internal Revenue Code
IRC International Reply Coupon
IRC--Internal Revenue Code
IRD Inland rail depot
IRDA - Insurance Regulatory and Development
IRD--Income in respect of a decedent
IRDM--Information reporting and document matching
IRFs - Interest Rate Futures
IRMF--Individual return master file
IRM--Internal Revenue Manual
IRN Import Release Note
IRPAC--Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee
IRP--Information Reporter Program
IRR Internal rate of return
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IRSAC--Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council
IRSCI--Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation division
IRSN--Internal Revenue Service number
ISA - Information Systems Audit
ISA International Sugar Agreement
ISACA - Information Systems Audit and Control
ISBP - International Standard Banking Practice
ISC Institute Strike Clauses
ISCS Inter State Council Secretariat
ISDA International Swaps and Derivative
ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISIC International Standard Industrial
ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification
ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification
IS--Information systems
ISM Institute of Supply Management
ISM -International Safety Management
ISM(C) International Safety Management Code
ISMA International Securities Market Association
ISM--Institute for Supply Management
ISMS - Information Security Management
ISO - International Organisation for
ISO - International Standards

ISO : International Standard Organisation 

ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISO/MSP--Independent sales organization/Member service provider
ISO--Incentive stock option
ISO--Independent sales organization
ISP - International Standby Practices
ISPS International Ship & Port Security
ISPS International Ships and Port Security System
ISRP--Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing System
IST--Issue specialization team
ISV – Independent Software Vendor (a group of developers or company specialized in the production of software for a certain niche)
IT - Information Technology
It was officially launched in Bangkok in 1996, seeks to promote closer relations between Europe and Asia on a variety of fronts, including political, economic and cultural.
ITA Information Technology Agreement (WTO)
ITA--Interactive tax assistant
IT-BPO - Information Technology - Business
ITC Indian Trade Classification
ITC International Trade Centre (WTO / UN)
ITC International Trade Commission
ITCB International Textiles and Clothing Bureau.
ITEP--Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
ITEs - Intra-Group Transactions and Exposures
ITF Import Terminal Fee
ITF International Transport Workers Federation (Trade Unions).
ITF--In trust for
ITI Customs Convention on the International transit of goods
ITICs International Trust and Investment Corporations
ITINERARY Route.Schedule
ITIN--Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
ITLR International Trade Law & Regulation (Journal)
ITMA InstituteofTradeMark Agents
ITO - International Trade Organization
ITRS International Transaction Reporting
ITS--Intermarket trading system
ITSM--Information technology service management
ITTA International Tropical Timber Agreement
ITW--Income tax withholding
IU If Used
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time ActUally To Count
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Actually To Count
IUPIP InternationalUnionfor the Protection of Intellectual Property
IVES--Income Verification Express Service
IVR--Interactive voice response
IWC Institute War Clauses
IWC International Whaling Commission
IWGEDS International Working Group on
IWL Institute Warranty Limits
IWMP - Integrated Watershed Management


The above are the list of abbreviations commonly used in business. These abbreviations include abbreviations used in Export, abbreviations in Import, list of abbreviations in shipping trade, expansions used in freight forwarding business and commonly used terms in customs brokering. Popularly used abbreviations in banking, commonly using tax abbreviations and other list of generally used business terms are also included in this article. If you would like to add up more abbreviations commonly used in your region, you may write such enlargements below. Please make sure, you are adding only ‘commonly using abbreviations’ in business, as this category is dealt with international trade.


The above information is a part of Import Export Training online

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