Export Import HS code for babies' garments and accessories, not knit or croch

What is the HS code for Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories?Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories.How to get commodity code to export Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories.    Goods code 620910  is for which merchandise?HS CODE  620930  stands for which product?Product code 620910  against which commodity?Commodity code 620990  meant for which product?

Find Export Import product code (HTS code) of your goods
Product HS code chapter 62 articles of apparel and clothing accessories-not knitted or crocheted

6209  babies' garments and accessories, not knit or croch

620910  Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories, of Wool or Fine Animal Hair620920, of Cotton
620930  Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories, of Synthetic Fibres
620990  Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories, of Other Textile Materials


How to import Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories and other goods mentioned above

Procedures to export Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories and other goods mentioned above


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This post explains:

What is the HS code for Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories?Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories.How to get commodity code to export Babies Garments and Clothing Accessories.    Goods code 620910  is for which merchandise?HS CODE  620930  stands for which product?Product code 620910  against which commodity?Commodity code 620990  meant for which product?

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